EspeciallyNamibain Trust Fund values Home iNAMi as a key project as we have ownership of the property and offer employment. Home iNAMi has seen epic changes in the past year with the kind donations from ‘Ein Herz für Kinder’ allowing us to install an EVAP system as well as Solar. This will ease the cost of municipal bills and assist us to become ‘greener.’ Home iNAMi houses 19 children whom we feed and educate – thus providing them with a sanctuary that they lovingly call ‘home’. We collaborate together with Wadadee Cares – a volunteer organization registered in Germany. – We have a wonderful team currently managing Home of iNAMi. At the same time, they are running a separate Kindergarten with approximately 22 scholars. We are looking to secure a permanent chef as well as a social worker to support us in 2022.
